When my husband and I were first married in the early 2000s, we watched the video “The Secret” after we had seen the author’s interviewed on the Oprah Winfrey Show. The concepts in the video/book (mainly gratitude, the law of attraction & goal setting) made a lot of sense to both of us.
My husband had had a lot of success as a QB (making it as far as playing football professionally in Europe), using “The Secret’s” strategies (without knowing they were biblical strategies), by being introduced to them from a family friend and mentor, Bruce, when he was in high school in the early 90s.
Although I hadn’t had a lot of “worldly success” at that time (my mid 20s), using the methods in The Secret (thankfulness to God, making positive statements & praying for things I wanted-goals) I had had many miraculous experiences with the Holy Spirit in my life from the time I was very young. For example, praying for snow (when the weather report showed no chance of precipitation), and then getting snowed-in to our cabin in Lake Arrowhead, California. You see, not exactly worldly success? But the Holy Spirit gave me the chance to experience fun sledding and get the hands-on childhood experience of goal setting (I packed my snow gear) through prayers answered:)
However, the main reason goal setting (as it connects with thankfulness to God & the law of attraction), really stuck out to me as a way to live your best life was because I created goals daily as a Speech & Language Pathologist for students. I saw firsthand how assessing students’ present levels of performance and creating goals for all kinds of speech and language disorders (mainly social-behavior) was effective. In fact, the entire profession of Speech & Language Pathology and effectively treating students is based on assessing a student to find their areas of strengths (things to be thankful for), the law of attraction (during training/therapy praising what the student is doing well (positive affirmations) and targeting weaknesses through creating measurable, observable and attainable goals for students. We would begin with a long-term goal (1-3 years away) and would continue to benchmark the goal until it was a measurable, observable and attainable goal for each therapy session. I also was privileged to go to Loma Linda for Graduate school, where I saw a scientific research study on prayer and positive patient outcome. The study proved that even if a patient did not pray themselves, if they had someone praying for them their outcomes were significantly better than people who did not pray or have someone who prayed for them.
Anyway, after seeing this video, Mike and I began writing lists of all the things we were thankful for, focusing on the law of attraction (saying what we wanted instead of what we didn’t want) and setting all kinds of short and long-term goals for both our personal and professional lives. We have been blessed with a ton of success through working & praying to accomplish these goals. We have owned a successful business for 20 plus years that has allowed us time flexibility to enjoy raising our four children all while buying, owning & living in a house in Huntington Beach, California (which have been some of our long term goals). But it didn’t stop there! With my background in goal setting (particularly with children), we didn’t just set goals for ourselves but I also began setting goals for our children when they were babies.
Now, let me be the first to admit there are all kinds of problems that come up as to why people (myself included) don’t reach their goals or at this time of the year-don’t stay consistent with their New Year’s resolutions! Let me tell you these problems are amplified when you are trying to set goals for your child or children or have them begin setting their own goals!
The biggest problem I see is people not using the power of the Holy Spirit when they set goals.
Secular people (who read The Secret and try to apply the methods without God) have a, “I do it myself mentality” goal setting approach that does not rely on God’s power & the free gift of the Holy Spirit. So by trying to do it all themselves, they burn out! Or saying you can do anything you put your mind to is not true, biblically! If God is not putting a goal in your heart it doesn’t matter what “I try,” I just can’t do it by myself! In Proverbs 19:21-23 King Solomon says “Many are the plans in a man’s heart but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” My husband had this happen to him in his football career! Highschool football was in his heart and he had a lot of success but his goal of playing in the NFL was not God’s plan for him. It didn’t matter how thankful or positive or how much he worked his goal did not happen. We know now through bible study that just was not God’s plan for him. Romans 8:28 And in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. God had a bigger plan for him!
Another major problem is, I have even heard pastors and priests of major churches saying your only goal should be Jesus! I feel like these pastors and priests either don’t understand the power of the Holy Spirit or their motive is money gained from church attendance. Jesus came to put his love in the minds and hearts of everyone in a personal way. I think he loves people who set personal and professional goals and work and pray for them! Then He can help us through the free gift of the Holy Spirit! This makes us thankful to Him, builds our faith, trust & relationship with Him when our goals are achieved and makes us positive people to be around because of our God-confidence!
The Solution is goal setting and getting the Holy Spirit working in your’s and your family’s life!
When setting goals for yourself or your child/ren you want to think in terms of
- Mind (informal & formal education)
- Body (hygiene, diet & exercise)
- Spirit (prayer with God alone & others who fill you spiritually)
Keep in mind, goal setting is different for under age 5, ages 5-10, ages 10-20 and 20+. A lot of times under age 10 parents are creating the goals for their children while over age 10 children can begin to set their own goals. Also, a major consideration is trying to understand what God is putting in each child’s heart.
My suggestion would be to get the power of the Holy Spirit working for all 3 areas in your life! Age appropriately expose your family to as much of the following as possible:
- Read & Study the Bible (daily if at all possible)
- Listen to Christian Music. There are tons of modern Christian Bands and lots of fun Christian Children’s music.
- Get out into Nature! The beach, ocean, mountains, lakes makes us all feel close to God. In Ancient times people believed in many gods because they were in nature all the time! Now that we are around man-made buildings all the time there are people who don’t believe in God at all! Nature is wonderful and refreshes us and children especially need to be outside or encouraged to be outside to feel spiritual!
- Join a Church/Youth Group! In the summer, have children go to Vacation Bible School.
Our son plays baseball and he has created some tough hitting goals for himself. I kept encouraging him that if any negative thoughts came into his mind to pray about them and dismiss them. Only focus on positive thoughts, things he is thankful for and successful outcomes. He started singing “Don’t Worry About Anything Instead Pray About Everything” which was a song from Kingdom Rock from Vacation Bible School CD that we use to listen to constantly on our summer road trip to Yosemite! It made me chuckle that scientific social training of exposing children to song was spot on! Research shows that stroke victims who can not speak can sing! Exposing children to song with scripture (which was a spiritual goal I made for him long ago) made him remember the scripture and he was getting hands-on experience goal setting and working towards achieving his goal at age 12.