So this past week, our 6th grade daughter, Sarah, had to turn in an Ancient Egyptian Artifact Project, as well as give an Oral Presentation Project of her chosen artifact. I encouraged her to do Ancient Egyptian Bread making for quite a few reasons.
First of all, I am trying to post weekly (Home Economics w/ a Bible message) themed posts, so I have a vested interest in this content😂 But all joking aside, bread was the staple of the Ancient Egyptian Economy (Economy? Economics?) and has a major biblical message!
Ancient Egyptian bread making has to be the most historic (Home Economics with a Bible message) lesson we have on record. Bread Iinks the peoples our 6th grader has studied so far (Nomads, the Mesopotamian Civilization and the Ancient Egyptian Civilization), in her secular history book.
So you might be asking why is Mrs. Smith using a secular history book to teach our 6th grader Ancient History?
This is a great question! The reason I use this book is because it is a textbook specifically made to teach children ancient history. As a nationally licensed Social Pathologist (who has a lot of experience and expertise in teaching critical thinking skills) I feel this book has excellent critical thinking questions. Although a little warning: Be careful and read with your child because it does include some loaded questions:) Although I don’t agree with the historic dates and the fact they have taken the Bible stories out of the book, studying the everyday lives of both of these different ancient civilizations from a social studies standpoint is the best way to teach children. History really comes alive when we see the social and economic connections of the nomads, Mesopotamian & Egyptian civilizations from the people in the Bible like Abraham (from Ur in Mesopotamia) to Joseph (enslaved in Egypt) and God (who with Moses as their leader) led the Israelites out of slavery so fast that they didn’t even have time for their BREAD to RISE!
When we add the bible & this other beautifully written book by the brilliant Creation Scientist Bruce Malone (who have included accurate historic dates) I am overwhelmed by God’s clues He has been trying to give us all since the beginning of history to find Him<3<3
If you have a 6th grader who is studying Ancient History (or any grade child who is studying Ancient History), see the embedded YouTube video lesson attached to this blog to make sure you include the bible history and how the Nomads, Mesopotamians and Egyptians were all linked through bread & the bible stories in Genesis and Exodus!